China trayplay loi
China trayplay loi

china trayplay loi

Reversing the lens: How followers influence leader-member exchange quality.

china trayplay loi

Linking organizational social exchange to intention to leave: Does normative commitment matter? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31, 1663-1683. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93, 381-404. Linking customer participation to service employees’ work-to-family enrichment: The role of job crafting and OBSE. Buffering negative impacts of jaycustomer behavior on service employees. Punishing the perpetrator of incivility: The differential roles of moral identity and moral thinking orientation. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31(1), 117-127.(ABS3) Why and when proactive employees take charge at work: The role of servant leadership and prosocial motivation. Can taking charge at work help hospitality frontline employees enrich their family life? International Journal of Hospitality Management.(ABS3) Not threats, but resources: An investigation of how leaders react to employee constructive voice? British Journal of Management. Journal of Applied Psychology.(FT50, ABS4*) Does taking charge help or harm employees’ promotability and visibility? An investigation from supervisors’ status perspective. A study of multiple identifications in the workplace, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2009-2010, Co-principal Investigator (MOP211,500).Ethical leadership and employee behavioral outcomes: A study on the underlying mechanisms, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2010-2011, Prinicpal Investigator (MOP107,950).Servant leadership: A study on its trickle-down effect on employee outcomes, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, 2012-2013, Co-principal Investigator (MOP138,400).Abusive supervision: Investigations on its antecedents and its impacts on teams, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, 2014-2017, Principal investigator (MOP687,450).Effects of jaycustomer behavior on service employees and other customers’ reactions, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, 2015-2016, Co-principal investigator (MOP159,560).A moral perspective on the observer’s reaction to witnessed workplace interpersonal mistreatment, funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, 2015-2016, Co-principal investigator (MOP160,000).Examining employee proactive behavior through the lens of resources.funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, 2016-2018, Principal investigator (MOP160,000).funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, 2017-2019, Co-principal investigator (MOP160,000) Effects of employees’ perceived corporate social responsibility on their extra-role behaviors.funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, 2018-2020, Co-principal investigator (MOP160,000) Can good behavior be shaped: The effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on customer citizenship behavior (CCB).funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, 2018-2021, Principal investigator (MOP405,000) Job design and work-family Enrichment: Investigations on mWork and job crafting.funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, 2019-2021, Principal investigator (MOP157,500) Organizational justice and prosocial motivation: Their relationship and their effects on pro-environmental behaviors.FBA Distinguished / Visiting Scholar Seminars.Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management.

china trayplay loi

Department of Finance and Business Economics.Department of Accounting and Information Management.

China trayplay loi